BEC PrePay is a new optional billing program for members to pre-pay for their electricity. Instead of receiving a bill at the end of the month for power you have already used - you have the flexibility of purchasing electricity when you want. Pay amounts that fit your budget - daily, weekly, or monthly.
Benefits and Features
No deposit
No fees (late, disconnect, reconnect)
Payment flexibility, including the ability to make multiple smaller payments each month or as needed in order to maintain a minimum credit balance of $50
Online and mobile account management, including the ability to monitor your daily energy use
Low balance alerts via text, email and mobile app notifications
For more information on enrollment, contact BEC by phone 218-444-2540, email info@beltramielectric.com, or stop into our office
PrePay Payment Options
Pay with cash, money order, debit/credit card or MoneyGram
(No checks accepted on PrePay accounts)
Ways to Pay
SmartHub app: Download the free app in the Apple App Store or Google Play Store.
Online: Via SmartHub, PayNow
Phone: 24/7 Pay By Phone 1-855-356-6345 (You will need your account and PIN#)
In person: Beltrami Electric Cooperative, 4111 Technology Dr NW, Bemidji, MN
MoneyGram: Lueken's Village Foods (North & South), Walmart, and CVS Pharmacy
PrePay FAQs
BEC PrePay is an optional billing program unlike traditional standard billing. There are no due dates, no paper bills, no deposits, or additional fees. You pay and maintain a credit balance on your account for electric service like having to fill up the gas tank on your car when it is running low. When your electricity credit runs low, you “fill up” your account credit balance to keep the lights on!
Enrolling in PrePay billing is a personal choice and completely voluntary. You will not receive a monthly bill, so you must be able to monitor email and/or optional text message balance notifications about your account to maintain your credit balance. PrePay allows you to budget for your daily energy use and/or your finances with flexible and convenient payment options for you and your lifestyle. You choose to pay as little or as much as you want, when you want, to maintain your credit balance.
You must have a residential service with a single-phase meter capable of remote disconnect/reconnect, meet all the eligibility requirements, and sign an enrollment agreement.
Your account cannot have an uncollectable balance (must be paid in full), account cannot have a medical necessity form on file, have its own net metering/co-generation system, or participate in the BEC Solar Garden.
No. The Auto Pay and Budget Billing programs aren’t designed for PrePay accounts.
Yes, if you choose to enroll in PrePay you must sign the BEC PrePay Agreement.
You will receive automatic emails and/or optional text messages (through SmartHub) when your balance drops below the minimum credit balance of $50. You can check the credit balance or make payments on your account 24/7 through your SmartHub.
When your credit balance drops below the minimum credit of $50, you will receive daily notifications (via email and/or optional text messages) through SmartHub warning you that payment is required to prevent disconnection. If your balance gets to zero, your account will be disconnected.
Your electric service can be automatically reconnected once a payment is made for any outstanding balance and there is a minimum credit balance of at least $50 on the account.
If your service is disconnected for a total of 7 days due to non-payment, the account will be final billed and you will not be able to participate in BEC PrePay for 12 months.
Yes, Energy Assistance and other types of assistance received, will be applied towards the credit balance on your account.
If you are struggling, contact BEC as soon as possible to discuss your account and options that may be available to help you.
A PrePay account is calculated every day based on an actual reading from your electric meter along with the prorated daily charges for access fees, device charges, and taxes.
You can enroll in PrePay by calling our office at 218-444-2540, email info@beltramielectric.com or stop into our office Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
If you decide you want to unenroll in PrePay, you must remain off the program for 12 months.